This website is a collection of articles, photos and videos which primarily used for giving information to the readers, especially the students. This will provide timely, engaging, and current information about the events happened inside and outside the school. It includes four main pages that will serve as the guide for the students to know what it is all about. News, Feature, Editorial and Sports page.
Author of Streamline
Loraine Esguerra, a grade 10 student of Quezon
National High School. She's part of the Special
Program in Journalism for 4 years. Enhancing her
ability in all fields but most likely photojournalism
and feature.
Author of Streamline
Isiah Gunday, also a grade 10 student of Quezon
National High School. She's also part of Special
Program in Journalism. She has an expertise in
writing science and health, but she also like to
write feature articles.She used to capture value
angles that has interesting story.